Chimay Brewery

Quality is the Chimay Brewery’s primary value. The brewery strives to brew their beers by making the most out of their ancestral know-how and what the modern world can offer in terms of innovation. All while respecting the quality of their products and energy performance.

Chimay Monastary Authentic Trappist Product

3 Trappist Criteria

As producers of Trappist beers and cheeses, the Chimay Brewery has always respected the 3 strict criteria that makes a Trappist beer.

  1. Chimay products are made within the abbey itself or within its immediate environment

  2. The production takes place underneath the supervision of the monks of the abbey

  3. Most of the income is intended for works of social nature

Chimay Range of Beers

Chimay Beers

Like only 14 abbeys in the world, including 6 in Belgium, Chimay brews authentic Trappist beers identified by this label. Beers made according to the high quality requirements of this brewing tradition. Discover more about their complex range of beers below.